Microsoft Dynamics 365 Landed Cost – Part 2

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Status updates tab:

In this tab we can set up the values that represent the voyage’s status. After you’ve specified the values, they’ll be added automatically to voyages through the voyage tracking and periodic batch processes:

Voyage creator:

It will remain by default as shown below:

Cost estimate:

It is used for standard costing:

Inventory dimension:

This is similar to inventory dimensions which we set for purchase order, sales order, transfer order etc.:

Number sequence:

Feature visibility:

Set up voyages and shipping containers

Voyage status:

This is the set of status values that users can attribute to voyages. Users can assign voyage status values to every voyage level, including the voyage, shipping container, folio, purchase order, and item purchase lines and transfer order lines.

In the below statuses, there some checks available that can be set. For example if user is allow to delete or modify then mark the check against status:

Shipping container types:

In this setup we will create different types of containers. For example, we can set volume or length of containers etc.

Navigation: Landed cost > Containers setup > Shipping container types

In above screenshot, the important flag is “Returnable”. Its means whether this type of shipping container might be returned to the seller following use on a voyage or not. If this option is set to Yes, additional charges for returning shipping containers of this type to their port of origin will be applied as part of landed cost.

By default, it is turned off.

Shipping containers:

Once the shipping container types are created, create containers and assign the relevant shipping container types.

Navigation: Landed cost > Containers setup > Shipping containers

Unit Types:

To identify the container in which the goods are packaged, such as crates, pallets, or drums etc:


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