Microsoft Dynamics 365 Cash & Bank Management – Create and Delete Checks
Create and delete Checks: Dynamics Finance & Operations allows to configure two types of Checks in Cash & Bank Management module: 1- Free (In this method system allows to create checks without any prior check creation) 2- Fixed (In this method checks are generated prior…
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance –Accounts Receivable Customer & Posting Profiles
Create a Customer Group: Customer Groups are used to substitute customers into different groups. To create a Customer Group, go to Accounts Receivable > Setup >Customer Groups When Customer Group form is opened, click new to create a new group, fill in the description and…
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance –Accounts Payable Vendor Payment
Vendor Payment: To make Vendor Payment, go to>Accounts payable> Payments and then click >Vendor Payment journal Click New to create a new journal and then select the newly created Journal Batch Number. Open the Selected Journal Lines. A form will open where user will select…