Microsoft Dynamics 365 General Ledger-Create a financial Dimension
Create a Financial Dimension: Financial dimensions are used to provide detailed information about the transactions in the…
Microsoft Dynamics Finance
Microsoft Dynamics 365 General Ledger-Open a Fiscal Year
Open a Fiscal Year: A Fiscal year can be opened within a Fiscal period. To open a…
Microsoft Dynamics 365 General Ledger-Create Main Account
Create a Main Account To create a Main Account, go to General Ledger > Chart of Accounts…
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Cash & Bank Management – Bank Account Reconciliation
Bank Account Reconciliation: When you receive a bank statement, you should periodically reconcile legal entity bank transactions…
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Cash & Bank Management – Create Deposit Slips
Create Deposit Slips: Deposit Slips view and maintain deposit slips for payments into your bank accounts. To…
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Cash & Bank Management – Reverse Check Payment
Reverse Check Payment: Navigate to Cash & Bank Management>Payment Reversals>Checks Open Checks form and choose a Check…
Microsoft Dynamics 365 General Ledger-Create a Journal
Create a Journal: Journals are used to record voucher transactions to be posted to the general ledger.…
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance –Accounts Payable Vendor & Posting Profiles
Accounts Payable: Create a Vendor Group: Use vendor groups to set up certain information that always defaults…
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Cash & Bank Management – Create a Bank Account
Create a Bank Account: Bank accounts are common in Cash & Bank Management module. User may create…
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance –Accounts Receivable Customer Postdated Checks
Customer Postdated Checks: Most of the time many businesses receive payments from customers in the form of…
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance –Accounts Receivable Customer Payment Receipts
Customer Payment Receipts: Customer payments are usually settled using Customer Payment Journal in the Accounts Receivable Module.…
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Cash & Bank Management – Create and Delete Checks
Create and delete Checks: Dynamics Finance & Operations allows to configure two types of Checks in Cash…